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Move Better.  Feel Better.  Live Better

Custom Foot Orthotics, Gait Analysis, Custom Knee & Ankle Bracing, Off the Shelf Bracing and Custom Lifts

“A journey of a thousand miles 

begins with a single step”

 - Lao Tzu

Orthotics and Bracing

Pedorthic Assessment

Your feet are pretty amazing structures that we often take for granted until there is a problem. Our feet do change over time with exposure to injuries, excessive loading, aging and everything in between. The best place to start is with a good assessment.


We discuss your history,  look at your posture, foot type, joint range of motion and perform a video gait analysis. From all this information, we put together your best options for management given all factors. We also give footwear suggestions and components of shoes to consider in future shopping trips that will work best with your foot structure.


Often we refer out  for soft tissue therapies, such as massage therapy or physiotherapy especially if your foot mechanics  don't seem to be the main contributor to your issues.

Casting Techniques

There are a variety of ways to cast and we use all of them. Casting style is practitioner dependant but we mostly cast in either semi-weightbearing foam box or plaster cast method. 

For casting custom ankles brace we use plaster only.


Custom knee braces are cast with specialized measuring devices or smart measure apps to get the 3D measurements.

Custom and Off the Shelf Bracing

Because there are so many bracing products for knees and ankles available, we have narrowed the options by carefully selecting products.  Braces are chosen from those which the majority of people have success with from a fit, function and comfort perspective.


We offer both Donjoy and Ossur braces for ligament instability and offloading options for compartmental osteroarthritis. 

Custom Foot Orthotics

Because we are all structurally different, what type of orthotics is built and dispensed, varies from person to person. Your injury, joint range of motion and foot architecture dictates what type of support would be best suited for you. For that reason, we don't just build one style of orthotic or use just one lab for manufacturing. From flexible to maximally supportive, the labs build what we prescribe.


Orthotics can be helpful for a variety of common lower extremity injuries such as; plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, Mortons neuroma, Osteoarthritis, Achilles Tendonopathy, Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome and IT band syndrome to name a few. Other times orthotics can be used to support alignment and/or help enhance or harness movement.



Orthopedic insoles isolated on white bac
Custom Lifts

For structural leg length or to accommodate an acquired limb length post total hip replacement. We can assess and build a lift to keep the pelvis more level and to offset asymmetry. Typically, we can't accommodate more than a 1cm tapered lift inside a shoe. If more height is required, the sole of the shoe itself needs to be modified to accommodate. Lifts are made from non compressible EVA in whichever height is needed and can be adjusted if needed.

Adjustments to Product

Part of what you pay for in a custom product is the ability to adjust it. We provide adjustments and/or appointments related to the products we build at no charge for the first year. Sometimes minor adjustments can make all the difference in the success of the orthoses.



Noelle Trotter B.A. (Hons), C.Ped (C)

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My love and interest in assessing movement began with a love for ballet. I danced throughout my childhood, including a couple of years at the National Ballet School in Toronto. I knew when it was time for university that I still wanted to have dance in my life, so I went to the University of Waterloo and studied in the Applied Health Sciences department which also had a dance department. It was my older sister, a chiropractor, that introduced me to the field of pedorthics.


After working for companies such as Paris Orthotics and Ossur for several years, I opened my own practice and now work in 3 locations, South Surrey, Ladner and Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast. I enjoy assessing all individuals from recreational runners, young athletes, dancers and everyone in between.​


I have a Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences from The University of Waterloo, and am a Certified Pedorthist (Canada) and Certified Pedorthic Technician (Canada).  I am a member in good standing with the College of Pedorthics and the Pedorthic Association of Canada.

Beatrice Yeh B.Sc. C.Ped (C)

I decided to pursue a career in pedorthics after attending a job fair at the University of Waterloo. It prompted me to volunteer at a sports clinic on campus while completing my degree in kinesiology. After graduation I immediately started my practicum in Ontario and finished it in Calgary. 


I have worked in both hospital and private clinic settings, however I most enjoy working in a multidisciplinary setting alongside other practitioners and colleagues. I believe a patient’s needs are best met by collaborating with other health professionals. Working at Lifemark, I have completed the functional movement screen and the selective functional movement aessment courses. Interacting with patients and problem solving through lab work creates variety and enjoyment.


I have a Bachelor of Science from the University of Waterloo, and am a Certified Pedorthist (Canada) and Certified Pedorthist Technician (Canada). I am a member in good standing with the College of Pedorthics and the Pedorthic Association of Canada.

Casey Bjorgum BHK, C.Ped (C)


From a young age, I have always been a sports enthusiast. As a spectator and participant, I immersed myself in anything and everything.  As I entered University, I knew that human biomechanics and sports injuries were of specific interest to me. My family has been in the knee bracing industry since 1980, which undoubtedly helped direct me to both pedorthics and knee bracing. I have experience in and enjoy assessing individuals of all ages and activity levels, especially athletes ranging from professional to weekend warriors.  Over the years I have assessed members of the Vancouver Canucks, Vancouver Giants, BC Lions, and Vancouver Whitecaps.  Regardless of one's activity level, I truly believe an integrated approach is key in addressing soft tissue injuries. I now work with West Coast Pedorthics and we are thrilled to have a new Ladner location.​


I have a Bachelor of Human Kinetics from The University of British Columbia, and am a Certified Pedorthist (Canada) and Certified Pedorthic Technician (Canada).  I am a member in good standing with the College of Pedorthics, and the Pedorthic Association of Canada.




Richmond Olympic Oval

Lifemark Sports Medicine Clinic

#160-6111 River Rd. 

Richmond, BC.  V7C 0A2


Tel: 604-244-8825

Fax: 604-244-8835



South Surrey

Diane Lee and Associates Physiotherapy

#102-15303 31st Ave

Surrey, BC V3Z 6X2


Tel: 604-538-8338

Fax: 604-538-3277




Collaborative Wellness

#202-5085 48th Ave.

Delta, BC

 V4K 1W1


Tel: 778-630-8930

Fax: 1-855-654-6341





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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Pedorthist and a Podiatrist?


A pedorthist is a specialist in lower limb biomecanical assessment and orthotic creation. We are very skilled at adjusting and modifying anything we build. We personally do all our own repairs and adjustments. Pedorthists are also very good at recommending appropriate footwear or components of shoes that best suit someones foot structure to optimize comfort and function  Unlike a Podiatrist, we do not cut nails, treat corns, calluses or assess any skin or nail disorders. We also do not do any injections, prescribe pharmaceuticals or perform minor surgeries. 


Are my services for orthotics and bracing covered by extended plans?


Yes. Pedorthists are considered one of the preferred providers for foot orthotics along with Podiatrists, Orthotists and Chiropodists. How much coverage you have for orthotics is different from plan to plan so it is best to check the perimeters of your coverage to be sure. We are aware of the paperwork that is required for different insurers to submit a claim and happily provide all the needed reports and receipts to ensure you are reimbursed.


Do I need a prescription from my doctor to come see you?


No. We are not required by our college to have a prescription prior to assessing someone. However, almost all extended plans do require a referral or prescription from your doctor which outlines the medical reason why you need a brace or custom foot orthotic. We are unable to write a prescription for orthotics.


Are you able to direct bill?


Only for the following third party payers: RCMP, Canadian Armed forces, Veterans Affairs, ICBC, WCB, First Nations Health Authority or for anyone who is on Disability or Ministry Assistance with the province. 


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